
Before you dive in, it's crucial to understand the rationale, process, and desired outcomes of the Design Sprint tailored for the Startup Camp.

Goal of the Startup Camp

  • This camp is designed to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to create high-quality projects that are ready for SCF (Stellar Community Fund) funding.

Expected Outcomes

  • Your goal is to craft a submission for an SCF Activation Award (worth up to $50k in XLM*), showcasing the intent and viability of your project.

  • After completing the Activation Award deliverables, you'll have the opportunity to apply for a Community Award (worth up to $100k in XLM*), which provides further support to enhance your project development. Please note: This is not part of the Startup Camp.

The Design Sprint Framework

  • To achieve these outcomes, the Startup Camp leverages a Design Sprint, offering a structured approach to crafting a compelling Stellar Community Fund submission.

  • Spanning four days, the sprint guides you through critical development phases:

    • Day 1: Define your minimum viable product (MVP).

    • Day 2: Create user experience (UX) mockups.

    • Day 3: Outline the technical architecture.

    • Day 4: Compile all the information into a comprehensive application, including a clear product overview, a development roadmap, and a sensible budget.

If you have been selected to participate in a virtual or in-person event, you'll receive a copy of the Figma template. You do not need to copy it.

The Figma Template can be found here (you need to make a copy to work on your own): https://www.figma.com/file/DRhlH0hPK2ugacaedHFyTT/BIGGER-x-Stellar?type=whiteboard&node-id=0-1&t=VHM1Rkxds6s5BRYJ-0

Learn More:

This bootcamp model is inspired by the design sprint developed by leaders at Google Ventures. You can find more information about it at this link: https://www.gv.com/sprint/

Tools for the Sprint

  • The Design Sprint utilizes Figma as a collaborative tool, providing you with a visual and interactive way to engage with the sprint's structure and tasks.

Last updated